As part of its continuous efforts for simplifying incorporation-related process for providing ‘ease of doing business’ to stakeholders, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has dispensed with the requirement of separately uploading Form 49 A and Form 49B after filing SPICe e-forms. Accordingly, with effect from 4th November 2017, stakeholders are not required to upload signed 49A/49B using ‘Submit application for PAN/TAN’ service, in respect of any fresh SPICe submission or resubmission cases. PAN and TAN will continue to be issued as before based on the details submitted in the SPICe form itself.
It may be noted that in order to improve the Ease of Doing Business for newly-incorporated corporates, CBDT had some time back tied up with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) to issue PAN and TAN in 1 day. Applicant companies had to submit a common application form SPICe (INC 32) on MCA portal and once the data of incorporation was sent to CBDT by MCA, PAN and TAN were issued immediately without any further intervention of the applicant. The Certificate of Incorporation (COI) of newly incorporated companies includes the PAN in addition to the Corporate Identity Number (CIN). TAN is also allotted simultaneously and communicated to the Company.